Age Group Triathlete Testing Deemed a Success

Age Group Triathlete Testing Deemed a Success

Athletes Support Anti-doping Efforts at Age Group National Championship

USA Triathlon

February 23, 2011 (Colorado Springs, CO) – USA Triathlon today announced the successful culmination of its inaugural anti-doping testing for an age group event at the 2010 USA Triathlon Age Group National Championship in Tuscaloosa, Ala. This event marked the first time age group athletes were tested in-competition, with the program conducted by the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency (USADA).

Competing athletes supported the efforts, praising the program as well-organized and professional, and welcomed the added level of confidence in fair play that testing for performance-enhancing substances can provide. In addition, USA Triathlon is pleased that results returned to tested athletes have all been reported negative for the presence of banned performance-enhancing substances.

“I was really impressed with the attention to detail that was given to the entire process, so that I knew I could have confidence in the integrity of the sample collection,” said Bruce Gennari, 44, of Brentwood, Tenn.

Gennari, a 22-year multisport veteran, was one of the age groupers tested and said he is in favor of the anti-doping efforts. “Personally, I would like to see it (continue) because I would like to know that there is a level playing field out there.”

“The debut of age group testing at the 2010 USA Triathlon Age Group National Championship was an unequivocal success,” said Tim Yount, USA Triathlon Acting CEO. “Thanks to USADA and the USA Triathlon staff, the testing process was extremely efficient, and our athletes offered very positive feedback about their experiences. USA Triathlon and USADA will continue to join forces to provide our members with the most up-to-date anti-doping educational resources.”

“USADA’s mission is to protect the rights of clean athletes at any level, in any sport discipline or age bracket, from those who would undermine fair competition by cheating with performance-enhancing substances.,” said Travis T. Tygart, USADA CEO. “It is critical to ensure that honest contenders never face losing their rightful rewards or positions to those who would cheat to steal them.”

For more information, visit USA Triathlon’s Anti-Doping Education page or