Greg Bennett Captures Hy-Vee Elite World Cup

Greg Bennett Captures Hy-Vee Elite World Cup

Colorado Athletes Also Shine at the 5150 U.S. Championship

September 4, 2011 (Des Moines, IA) – Boulder’s Greg Bennett captured the richest prize in triathlon with a win in the Hy-Vee Elite World Cup, the final in the new 5150 Olympic-distance national series. The $151,500 first prize was topped off with several thousand dollars in bonuses. Hunter Kemper (Colorado Springs) put in a hard charge at the finish, but couldn’t catch Bennett. The Colorado pro contingent was well represented with Matt Reed coming in at ninth, Andy Potts at eleventh, and Timothy O’Donnell at thirteenth.

In the women’s elite race Sarah Haskins (Colorado Springs) finished third and Laura Bennett (Boulder) fifth. The race was also the U.S. Championship final for the age group and elite divisions in the 5150 Series (which includes the Boulder Peak race).

Hy-Vee Elite World Cup

Pro Men

1. Greg Bennett 1:49:42
2. Hunter Kemper 1:50:12
3. Stuart Hayes 1:50:30
4. Paul Matthews 1:50:51
5. Rasmus Henning 1:51:16
6. Kris Gemmell 1:52:00
7. Filip Ospaly 1:52:13
8. David Thompson 1:52:20
9. Matt Reed 1:52:32
10. Chris McCormack 1:52:39
11. Andy Potts 1:53:23
12. Martin Krnavek 1:53:36
13. Timothy O’Donnell 1:53:44
14. Kaleb Vanort 1:54:09
15. Bertrand Billard 1:54:22

Pro Women

1. Lisa Norden 1:59:12
2. Mirinda Carfrae 1:59:20
3. Sarah Haskins 1:59:29
4. Nikki Butterfield 1:59:38
5. Laura Bennett 1:59:50
6. Nicola Spirig 2:00:08
7. Sarah Groff 2:01:55
8. Liz Blatchford 2:02:09
9. Gwen Jorgensen 2:03:39
10. Annie Warner 2:04:33
11. Becky Lavelle 2:04:52
12. Annabel Luxford 2:05:27
13. Margaret Shapiro 2:05:55
14. Radka Vodickova 2:06:14
15. Amanda Felder Derkacs 2:07:05

Hy-Vee Triathlon 5150 U.S. Championship

Colorado Results

Karl Kahsar M ELITE 2 2/25 2/164 19:38 2:10 57:38:00 1:13 34:18:00 1:54:55
Jim Hallberg M ELITE 9 9/25 9/164 21:11 2:22 59:45:00 1:10 35:36:00 2:00:02
Benjamin Torvik M 25-29 13 1/15 13/164 22:17 2:26 1:00:51 1:17 34:16:00 2:00 2:03:05
Steven Zawaski M ELITE 22 17/25 22/164 24:03:00 3:23 1:01:42 1:46 37:18:00 2:08:10
Christine Anderson F ELITE 33 2/18 2/117 21:28 2:27 1:05:22 1:23 41:04:00 2:11:43
Megan Riepma F ELITE 46 4/18 4/117 23:51 2:21 1:07:45 1:25 39:07:00 2:14:27
Stuart Vettese M 20-24 54 6/9 48/164 23:42 2:53 1:06:29 1:38 41:36:00 2:16:15
Steven Dunbar M 40-44 61 7/11 53/164 27:59:00 2:27 1:05:35 1:55 39:22:00 2:17:17
Nell Rojas F 20-24 62 2/5 9/117 24:38:00 3:02 1:11:50 1:27 36:49:00 2:17:44
Michael Orendorff M 60-64 66 1/8 56/164 25:05:00 2:49 1:05:35 1:48 43:09:00 2:18:24
Mitchell Rider M 15-19 67 3/9 57/164 20:36 2:53 1:10:09 1:47 43:04:00 2:18:27
Alexander Flores M 15-19 74 5/9 61/164 20:48 2:38 1:10:18 1:28 42:13:00 2:00 2:19:23
David Schell M 30-34 76 4/13 62/164 29:09:00 2:41 1:07:06 1:32 39:16:00 2:19:42
Trisha Byerley F 30-34 96 2/16 18/117 27:03:00 2:17 1:08:38 1:28 44:40:00 2:24:05
Kathleen Allen F 40-44 99 1/11 19/117 25:33:00 2:51 1:10:01 1:42 45:00:00 2:25:06
Will Thompson M 20-24 106 7/9 85/164 30:41:00 2:38 1:09:37 1:28 42:15:00 2:26:37
Glenn Dyer M 50-54 137 5/6 107/164 32:20:00 3:33 1:08:57 2:22 45:44:00 2:32:55
Katey Dorweiler F 25-29 158 3/7 41/117 21:59 3:14 1:20:28 1:43 47:40:00 2:35:02
Jennifer Bettridge F 45-49 175 7/12 51/117 26:27:00 3:57 1:19:48 1:53 46:24:00 2:38:27
Dan Roberts CLY 40+ 189 14/22 132/164 29:19:00 4:52 1:15:04 2:45 49:48:00 2:41:47
Richard Mayer CLY 40+ 190 15/22 133/164 29:26:00 3:32 1:14:02 2:27 52:26:00 2:41:52
Dana Willett F 45-49 207 9/12 69/117 31:04:00 3:20 1:20:23 2:02 48:07:00 2:44:54
Deanna Hoover F 45-49 219 11/12 79/117 36:37:00 3:41 1:15:17 2:46 49:55:00 2:48:15
Bruce Wilson CLY 40+ 230 19/22 147/164 36:18:00 4:01 1:19:04 3:05 50:15:00 2:52:40
Lynda Lozier F 50-54 251 8/10 98/117 33:37:00 4:36 1:26:02 2:30 59:04:00 3:05:46
Lorraine Green F 55-59 276 4/4 114/117 42:20:00 5:07 1:39:08 3:34 1:20:32 3:50:39